Aug 16, 2008


hi frnds... i don't know how to express this feeling. i just cant say i am very happy. it is a small words that can definitely not express my feeling today. it is the day of pride to the country and a day of honor to me.
while the rest of the country was celebrating the 61st independence day, i was searching for words to talk at the most important place of my life. the school which taught me everything I am today, the school which showed me the real values of life, the school which helped me building my persona, and what not, has given me the life's greatest gift.
i was honored to hoist the National Flag on the Independence Day and was asked to address the students as the alumni of the school. not only the school management but also all the Siddharthians (that is how the students of ma school are called) gave me a warm welcome. i didn't have any idea about it when i went to my school.
when i was in my school some six years back, i never imagined something of this sort. i always wanted to see the Tricolor from very near but never saw it. it was always a dream to come true
but it has come true. i was at the top of the world when my Correspondent sir was teling about me to the young Siddharthians as the student whom he trusted a lot. he names me the "MOST HONEST STUDENT" and "HARD WORKING". i was delighted to listen it from him and have no words to express me feeling.
i still don't have any words to express the feeling. i don't even know if i had put all the feelings in the right way. but,
I AM HAPPY...!!!


Juggernaut said...

Ohhh genious
I m really amazed dat u r moving towards ur dream in such a pace.
There was no doubt abt ur intelligence level.
N even I m happy today dat u got so much respect from ur own teachers.
Keep it up genious the sky is now callin u to open-up ur wings.

Anonymous said...

hey yamsss my lovely blessings 2 u get all ur dreams come true

cheer up nd contt 2 make urself a new world

u can do it